What is your top phone destruction story?
Back when I was at Verizon I used to love the calls I would get with all the stupid reasons people destroyed their phones.
My top ten are
1. I dropped it in the toilet
2. My dog ate it
3. My toddler drooled all over it.
4. I was pushed into the pool while it was in my pocket
5. It fell in the ocean while sailing.
6. I dropped it into the garbage disposal.
7. I. Left it on the seat of my car in the middle of the summer in phoenix Arizona, with the windows rolled up.
8. I dropped it into a boiling pan of grease.
9. I stuck it into a microwave to dry it out… (this is why there is a “do not place in microwave” warning in your phones instruction manual)
10. And my personal favorite, it was used as a vibrator. Even though never directly admitted by the customer, the nervousness in their voice and the completely made up story and description of problem, always gave them away.
Let me know if I missed any…
Darv ( View Profile) - Posts: