This application is so absurd that I had to mention it. The good guys at CrackBerry mentioned it and once again I was amazed by the tried and true “If you built it they will come install it.” This is the equivalent of a screensaver for your BlackBerry; cute but useless. I wonder if we will have a flickering fireplace for Christmas? Pretty please…
With that said you can pick up the application free at this link once you register. Essentially it will let you share the holiday spirit on the 4th of July.
Here is to hoping you have something better to do than stare at fireworks on your BlackBerry.
Randy R. Not Registered
Posted: July 2, 2008 at 1:28 AM EST
Yes I have installed this app since I read about it earlier today, LMAO its one funny app. Even the berries have to celebrate 4th of July.