I was preparing all of my wrath to write a rant on higher text messages when this post by Nicholas Deleon of CrunchGear stole my thunder. Nicholas did some basic math and found that at $0.20 per 160 bytes translates into $1,310 for one megabyte (1,048,576 bytes) of text messages. Note: This assumes that you use all 160 characters of each text message.
Even if you have a 200 text message plan you are still paying 2.5 cents per text message.
I could not agree with Nicholas more. Then one of the comments by Marc reminded me of this article from back in the day. Some bored Scientist from Leicester had free time to calculate that it cost 4 times more to send a text message to a friend than it costs NASA to send the same data to the moon!
And yet I still have a $5 text message plan. (Muttering to myself!)
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