After reading this article on Mashable by Steven Hodson, I recognized a trend. It seems like every week there is a new buddy location finder or GPS location monitoring application for BlackBerry. Now we are even finding ways to include our location in a microblog such as Twitter. Is the next evolution to let people always know where you are?
It started with the MySpace and Facebook where you inundated all your friends with what you were doing each and every second. It then progressed to Twitter-like instant notification of what you were doing. You could not even wait to get to a PC anymore. Now it seems like companies are trying to mix Twitter with your GPS location to give the whole world even more information about you.
It has gotten to the point where I wouldn’t be surprized if a company like Google decided to do a real time people search. Just search for a friend (or anybody’s) name and they will show up on your Google Maps display.
Am I the only one starting to get paranoid? I am a trusting person in general, but way too many people are starting to collect way too much information about me… Hopefully I only have to worry about my cat stalking me…
Luciano ES ( View Profile) - Posts: