Note2Self Update – Voice Notes/Tasks Simplified

For some reason we have never mentioned Note2Self on BerryReview. I really think I should sent a note…


Sorry I could not help myself with the chicken and the egg jokes. Alex from WebIS just let me know that they have updated their Note2Self voicenotes application for BlackBerry. Note2Self is a simple application meant to easily let you sent a voicenote to your email address with just a few clicks. Pretty easy for creating tasks.

It seems like many people were having problems with their BIS accounts and BES accounts sending large voice files. So WebIS fixed this issue by creating a free service that sends the files over your BlackBerry connection without resorting to email.

They do have a few restrictions but if you are already using the software or are interested I would recommend going to this forum link to read more about the update.

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  1. Where has this little gem been hiding?

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