Free Live Love Laugh Zen Theme For 8100

I know there have been some complaints about a lack of 8100 theme love recently so… Shelly let me know about a great theme she designed. It has a great scrapbook feel and I love the text style for the menus but the Zen area text is a bit cartoonish. The icons are funky and custom and I like the fell overall. The only complaint I have is that the date and time are a bit hard to see since they are a dark color (black) on a darkish shade of green.


The theme is available for free OTA only downloading at this link on Themes4BB. Nice work Shelly!


2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. love the theme, would like to have it for my Curve.

  2. love this theme, would love to have it for my Curve.

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