I know there have been some complaints about a lack of 8100 theme love recently so… Shelly let me know about a great theme she designed. It has a great scrapbook feel and I love the text style for the menus but the Zen area text is a bit cartoonish. The icons are funky and custom and I like the fell overall. The only complaint I have is that the date and time are a bit hard to see since they are a dark color (black) on a darkish shade of green.
The theme is available for free OTA only downloading at this link on Themes4BB. Nice work Shelly!
Elaine Not Registered
Posted: June 13, 2008 at 2:44 PM EST
love the theme, would like to have it for my Curve.
Elaine Not Registered
Posted: June 13, 2008 at 2:45 PM EST
love this theme, would love to have it for my Curve.