Bold To Come With Word Mole Game


Jibi of BlackBerryNews reported that the upcoming BlackBerry Bold will be coming with a new game. This one is educational  and is called Word Mole. It kind of reminds me of Bookworm & Lingo from the look but sure does seem nice for RIM to refresh the game lineup. This is like Microsoft finally moving past solitaire and minesweeper. Jibi mentions that BrickBreaker will still be around and the Bold will also ship with the free Magmic games favorites found on already.


Check out all the screenshots at BBnews

7 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Although this does look nice and somewhat promising, competing against apple, apples games like supermonkeyball sort of rocks at the moment from what I can see, I hope RIM has some secret weapon in store or some deal down the way.

  2. I submiited my high score and it is still sending it somewhere 5 days later so I can’t get into the game!!!

  3. I enjoyed playing the game . . . trouble is – the game crashed and i can’t play it anymore ! Worse is , my blackberry storm is only a week old . HELP !

  4. take your battery out!

  5. Take You Battery Out!

  6. Don’t try using common compound words. Game doesn’t recognize them..
    Very limited dictionary can drive one to drink.

    Don’t try grog, mote, notary, millwork, druid and others I have already forgotten.

    Someone should keep a list 🙂

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