Individual & Business Sections Merged

Hayden of PinStack has a sharp eye. He noticed that the portal has been merged into was the portal for individuals to separate the business BlackBerry users from the consumer BlackBerry users. For example the business section would cover BES and the consumer section would showcase the MP3 player and camera.

NewblackberrycomwebsiteIt seems like RIM has forgone that dual pronged approach. They have merged the consumer and business targeted sides of their website.

Hayden explains the move by saying that the upcoming BlackBerry Bold will merge the consumer and business BlackBerry devices into one. For that reason there is no need for separate portals. This makes sense since the front page of the now combined portal is a feature on the BlackBerry Bold.

I am curious to see if this will change RIM’s current strategy of pitching the 8100 & 8300 devices differently than the 8800 series. Will the BlackBerry Bold be the one to rule both domains?

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  1. As long as there are hundreds of thousands of us who work in the defense industry (and elsewhere) where cameras are taboo, RIM had better keep a current non-camera model or risk mass defections.

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