MaraTick – Free Shopping & ToDo List Applicaton!

One of our readers, Tom, just sent in this great free application. The application was designed to save paper at the behest of the developers daughter who was concerned for the environment. I guess we can all thank Mara for this freebie.


MaraTick Features include (Requires OS 4.0+):

  • Checked off items are automatically pushed down to the bottom of list
  • Unlimited number of list and list size
  • Auto-complete with a built in dictionary (user prompted to load upon install)
  • Self learning dictionary of todo items
  • Icon selector provided to customize each list
  • Todo items can be copied between lists
  • Entire data can be copied, backed up/restored to or from any BB app
  • Items can be moved up and down along the list for easy prioritization
  • Each list integratable with BB calendar

Up to date OTA and Desktop Manager links can be found at this link. Thanks Mara!

The developer plans on adding todo task management soon which you can see in the last screenshot.


UPDATE: There seems to be a discussion going on around the application at this link on

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