These are not new applications but I have had a few questions recently that I think these applications will solve. Metsfan released these applications last year to solve 2 problems with some Blackberry devices. Keep in mind the developer has posted that SoftReset does not currently work with OS 4.5.
AutoLock automatically locks the BlackBerry keyboard after the backlight turns off, optionally waiting a configurable delay after the backlight shuts before locking the keys. To enable/disable or set the delay, go to Options->AutoLock.
SoftReset is a program that allows you to easily soft reset the BlackBerry Pearl without having to take the battery out. Here’s how it works:
- Install SoftReset.
- To reset, run the application and click the big Reset button. Then, choose Reset Now when prompted.
Update: I’m aware this doesn’t work on OS 4.5. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time right now to work on it.
You can download both applications OTA and from your desktop at this link. If you like and use the software I would highly recommend donating a few dollars using the form on this page to buy Metsfan a beer or at least a coffee.
DavidB Not Registered
Posted: May 29, 2008 at 2:13 PM EST
How did I not find this before? Soft reset is an easy keyboard entry on QWERTY devices but not as easy on a Pearl (that I’ve found). My wife is as frustrated as I am since her 4.3 OS 8130 seems to have the same memory leak issue as my 4.2 OS 8830.
Thanks Ronen!!
conedude13 Not Registered
Posted: May 30, 2008 at 10:03 PM EST
I had trouble with AutoLock in 4.5. The message light stayed a steady red that was on all the time, no blinking or anything, and I also lost my custom home page picture. but once i uninstalled AutoLock, everything went back to normal. Guess i’ll just have to wait till 4.5 get officially released. Cheers!
hay Not Registered
Posted: February 13, 2009 at 11:51 PM EST
how do i download softreset?
i just want to change my trackball color please!!