Mini Review: LaunchPads

Mini Review: LaunchPads
[rating:8] 8/10
Cost: $5.00

Fabian Heuwieser has created a new application for our BlackBerrys that will give you the ability to launch a menu of multiple apps with the touch of a single convenience side key.

This app is called LaunchPads. Every time you hit the side convenience button (which you program LaunchPads to launch from. Its in your options menu under “keyboard/screen”), you’ll get a menu where you can launch one of ten apps that you can program in it.

The programming is very easy. It uses the same modular information that the BlackBerry uses to identify it. Some 3rd party apps are compatible and will work and some won’t. For example, I was able to program YWeather but not Opera Mini.

This app is very helpful and will not only give the BlackBerry Addict the ability to launch all their favorite applications, but they’re also able to clean up their homescreen as well. Which is an important plus in my book. I know many BlackBerry owners cannot stand having a cluttered homescreen.

You can get it from the BerryReview Store for $5.00.

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