What’s The Plural Of BlackBerry? The Definitive Answer

BlackberrysvsblackberriesI know this argument has been going on for ages. Is it BlackBerrys or BlackBerries. I have heard the points on both sides and personally held by BlackBerrys. Even the trusty Wikipedia refers to both the plural “BlackBerrys” AND “BlackBerries” in their article

So I did the research and it turns out all of us were wrong…

According to RIM’s Branding Guidelines. (You can read it for yourself at this link on RIM’s website)

Do not use RIM Trademarks in a plural or possessive form.


  •  BlackBerry® smartphones


  • BlackBerrys
  • BlackBerries
  • BlackBerry’s

This is stressed even further in the BlackBerry Branding Guidelines document


If you want a good laugh you should read the whole guidelines document. RIM seems to think they own every derivative of BlackBerry including the two letters BB. According to their creative lawyers you also cannot use the word BlackBerry to, and I quote:

You are not permitted to use the RIM Trademarks in any manner that disparages RIM, its affiliates, partners, products or services.

I guess RIM thinks this is a way to legally protect BlackBerry Smartphones (intentional dig) from bad reviews.

So what do you think? I personally will be sticking with the trusty BlackBerrys…

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