Limited Time: Buy Aerize Card Loader & Get Explorer For Free

Mobileheist-aerize-190x190Mobihand has hooked up another great deal on two great pieces of BlackBerry software. This is a two for one deal where you get both Aerize Card Loader and Aerize Explorer for only $20. That is 50% off the standard cost for the bundle.

Just as a reminder Aerize Card Loader allows you to install applications to-and-from an SD card to their BlackBerry; this latest version includes Over-the-Air (OTA) download and multi-COD Bundle support. Aerize Explorer is another utility with powerful file and archive (zip/unzip) management utilities.

This is a limited time offer for two days only, Thursday and Friday, May 22nd & May 23rd. The deal will be available until 11:59 PST on Friday, May 23rd.

There is no coupon to get the bundle. Just follow these instructions:

  • Head on over to
  • Click on the blue add bundle button underneath the product screenshots in the “Better Together” section
  • Thats it just add it to your cart and you will see the $20 price for both.
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