Cnet Interviews Mike Lazaridis On BlackBerry Bold

Mike_lazaridisdissassemblingI just read a great interview by Natasha Lomas on She interviewed Mike Lazaridis during CES and came out with some really nice gems.

The quote she got out of him on Touch Screen technology was priceless:

I worked on the very first touch screens. Let’s go back in time now–Gold Computing, Newton, Envoy, Marco–the very first touch screens on the Sharp organizers, I had one of those. The very first Palm. I met Jeff Hawkins and (Donna) Dubinsky back when Palm was a block of wood, so I go right back to the beginning. How’s that? I’ve used all the touch screens, I’ve known about touch screens and I’ve watched NEC and Palm use full touch screens since the mid-90s and what I watched was the whole industry eventually have to license our keyboard technology.

Sorry I got a quick laugh out of that one. She also gets some really nice info on how the Bold went from development to production.

If you have the time I recommend reading the interview. I found it enlightening.

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