It has just been confirmed in multiple places that AT&T will be the first to get the BlackBerry Bold. Aren’t I glad to be an AT&T subscriber right now.
I just got sent a link to Gearlog where they have the low down. They got the below info in an email from AT&T representative John Kampfe.
“AT&T will be the only U.S. carrier to offer the [Bold] when we begin selling it later this year. I also want to make sure you know that AT&T will be the only U.S. carrier to offer a BlackBerry that has international 3G capabilities and the only U.S. carrier to give its customers the ability to use their BlackBerry in such countries as Japan and South Korea.”
The Bold will come to all the rest of the major US carriers after AT&T’s short exclusivity period according to Mike Lazaridis.
Thanks Josep for sending this one in!
Christopher Williams Not Registered
Posted: June 1, 2008 at 1:33 AM EST
So when ATT gets the Bold do they Have a Price on it yet?