BlackBerry Kickstart. Didn’t see this one coming !

Well, I never saw this one coming…BGR (Boy Genius Report) posted pictures of an upcoming new device from RIM to be released within the year. There are a few pictures of the flip phone on BGR so scoot on over and have a look if you’re want to check them out ( ).

The pictures look as though they have been taken in a washroom or kitchen and are a bit out of focus but you can see enough detail to get a bit of an idea.

I really thought RIM would go with a ‘Touchscreen’ or hybrid but I never thought they would go with a Flip Phone design. Not that I’m complaining. I have always liked the clamshell style and now with the possibility of it being introduced into the BlackBerry line-up I think we will all be getting the best of both worlds.

This could really open up and appeal to a whole new demographic for RIM. Flip or Clam style phones tend to be popular amongst the younger generation and it would get back those customers who BlackBerry have lost who were put off by the bulk of the current line.

Looks Slick RIM… When, When, When ???

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