Just a quick short one here.
Seems that a lot of BlackBerry blogs are popping up everywhere and I’d just like to share a couple that have caught my attention and think would be a great read for you.
The most informative that I have seen so far is Kelly Carter’s blog about his 8130 Pearl. He writes very nice articles on how to complete tasks and shortcuts for anything BlackBerry. He also occasionally writes reviews for software and accessories. If you’d like you can visit his blog at http://blackberry8130.wordpress.com/
Another blog about the 8130 Pearl is by Patch Adams, a new startup writer for his BlackBerry who also writes some pretty neat articles, most noteably his post on BlackBerry’s vs iPhone. Please have a look at his site as well at http://www.blackberry-pearl.net/
If you have seen a great BlackBerry blog or other resource, that’s not listed on the right of this page, share it with everyone and leave a comment. I occasionally have written a few articles on my site for the BlackBerry, but can’t touch these guys.
greg Not Registered
Posted: April 24, 2008 at 8:11 AM EST
I do know that this is a domino blog but he posts some real good stuff on the blackberry. try out http://www.notesboy.com
GIAN R Not Registered
Posted: April 24, 2008 at 2:35 PM EST
Another excellent BlackBerry Resource-full website is GeekBerry.net http://www.geekberry.net/
Great collection of helpful howtos, troubleshooting and more –
jumpexec Not Registered
Posted: April 28, 2008 at 6:13 AM EST
hey guys I’m from Brazil and an iniciative here is made by a guy called Luciano Oliveira, he’s handling his own BlackBerry World Brazil (http://www.lucianooliveira.com)blog, with all hot stuffs from this gadget, would be good to add him on this blog list, his blog is in portuguese but the content is awesome, he added a forum …. hugs to all
Scott Not Registered
Posted: April 28, 2008 at 8:31 AM EST
I agree the great blog by Kelly Carter ( http://blackberry8130.wordpress.com/ ) is a super resource, and a must visit whenever I have the time, it’s great to get advice, and tips on things, as well as share your experiences to help others out too!
I’ll be sure to check the other blogs mentioned though as well, it appears we have some great folks out there, hats off to you all!
Kelly Carter Not Registered
Posted: July 19, 2008 at 8:05 AM EST
I moved my BlackBerry site to http://newBBie.com. I hope you’ll come visit. Kelly Carter