Sprint has been pining for quite awhile how the iDen networks are not dead and how they have been investing millions of dollars into them. Joshua Carp of BoyGenius picked up this little piece of news from GearLog.com and BBCool and BlackBerrySync seem to confirm as much.
According to all, Dan Hesse the CEO of Sprint mentioned in his CTIA keynote that Sprint/Nextel would be bringing a iDen WiFi BlackBerry into the fold to replace the old 7100i. My first BlackBerry was a Nextel so this is quite interesting to hear that they are keeping them alive. The weird part is that Sprint did not mention if the device has GPS. They have been pushing GPS phones for quite awhile so it would be weird for them to all of a sudden push WiFi before GPS.
This should get interesting as Sprint is already beta testing a new technology that allows customers to walkie talky between iDen and Sprint phones over EVDO. Maybe Sprint does have a fighting chance…
David B Not Registered
Posted: April 7, 2008 at 1:22 PM EST
A CDMA verison of the 8820 perhaps? It’s the only BB out there right now with both GPS and WiFi, right? And it does ATT PTT service. So could we soon see an 8840/8850/etc. for CDMA??? That could ACTUALLY be enough of a product to get me to switch from VZW…