Oanda FXConverter Beta: Free Currency Converter


I picked up this handy little application from BlackBerry Forums Australia. The Oanda FXConverter is a little OTA free program that converts currencies in real time. Once you have downloaded the program, it’s just a matter for dialing in the 2 different currencies and amounts you want to convert and the software does the rest.


There are 164 different currencies to choose from and the data is up-to-the-second update. There is even a rate information button that gives you the breakdown on what you should expect to pay when you are buying and selling currencies.


The link is : http://mobile.sweetcaesar.com/ . (Just type it into your browser on your BlackBerry and click) It is in Beta but I have yet to find any bugs with it and it is working well on my 8310 Curve. This is a very handy program for those that travel a lot or when you are purchasing goods from overseas via the internet and need to find out if that bargain really is a bargain…Oh, and talking about bargains… This application is Free…There’s no better deal than that…Enjoy…

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  1. We’ve just officially launched the OANDA FXConverter application. You can download it from http://m.fxconverter.com.

    We would love to hear your feedback on our application at [email protected].

    Sweet Caesar

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