Elizabeth Woyke of Forbes.com has a great article about the need for creative developers. The whole article describes how large corporations are doing all they can to foster growth in their developer community. Companies such as AT&T and Apple realize that offering bounties and other incentives/help will actually be in their own benefit.
Elizabeth also mentions RIM in this article as a company that is (and I quote here) “doting” on their developers. This made me wonder if I was missing something. So I decided to look up doting (adoring: extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent)…
That does not sound like the RIM development community that I have heard multiple developers complain to me about. I don’t remember ever hearing about RIM offering bounties and prizes for great applications. Last time I checked they only liked sponsoring bad comedy shows and Women & Technology awards. I guess they have more important things to focus on.
Would it really kill them to offer a little bit of love to their budding theme and application developers? If even Verizon & AT&T understand the advantage of a strong development community why is RIM always acting so conservative? (Sorry guys it has been a late night )
Ronen Halevy ( View Profile) - Posts: