Kevin from just let me know about a nifty new Facebook application for BlackBerry devices. The new BlackBerry Pin Exchange application is pretty bare bones at the minute but the basic idea is to let you share your PIN number with friends. Personally mine already shows people my email address. I am not sure about what they would gain from my PIN which is always changing but I am all for some social networking revolution on the BlackBerry. Personally I always found PIN numbers to be a little old school. I always thought RIM should tie the PIN number to a user not a device.
The part that I really think is interesting is the social part of the application. It allows you to discover other friends on the Exchange and even have your own mini personals site. With the failure of other BlackBerry specific social networking sites I won’t get my hopes to high but the application does show promise. I just hope leveraging Facebook will make this stick around long enough to be relevant.
I coped the press release below for more info or you can just check out the application by going to
INVERNESS, FL–(Marketwire – February 27, 2008) –, the Number One Site for BlackBerry Users (& Abusers!), has just unveiled an application for the Facebook community that makes it easy for BlackBerry users to discover the PIN numbers of their BlackBerry-toting friends and business associates. Knowing a friend’s Personal Identification Number (PIN) enables unlimited instant text messaging between the BlackBerry devices, without incurring SMS fees.
The BlackBerry PIN Exchange application lets Facebook members easily dictate the level of privacy they want to maintain — sharing their PIN only with other BlackBerry-using friends, listing it on the profile page for all friends to see, or making it viewable to all members of the PIN Exchange. The application also features a Global PIN exchange and PIN Meet area, where you can locate BlackBerry users worldwide. In addition, it offers users the ability to:
— Easily view the device PIN numbers of Facebook friends
— Discover new friends on The Global Exchange
— Create a profile and meet someone special in the PIN Meet area (a mini- personals site)
— Invite other BlackBerry-using friends to join
— Learn more about BlackBerry via content“For existing BlackBerry users upgrading to newer device models and for all the first-time BlackBerry owners out there, we wanted to provide an easy way to discover the current device PIN of their friends and associates,” said Kevin Michaluk,’s founder and community editor. “The BlackBerry PIN Exchange application does just that, and also adds a social-networking component for those who want it. Now Facebook users, who happen to include a good cross-section of BlackBerry users, have another great way to stay in touch with their contacts and make new friends.”
The BlackBerry PIN Exchange application for Facebook can be found at The current version of BlackBerry PIN Exchange already has nearly 1,200 active users with more being added every day.
BlackBerry PIN Exchange, currently in Beta, was developed for by KHD Studios.
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