NancyDrew’s themes have been a sure hit with us at BerryReview so I thought I would share some of her and other Themes4BB designers over the next few days. Steven, NancyDrew, and Gary have been really active on Themes4BB for the last few months pumping out themes constantly. I just wanted to say thanks to them from all of us at BerryReview!
The latest masterpiece is a Seinfeld Zen theme for the BlackBerry 8300. The theme has some great shots from one of my favorite shows. The icons are stock but the titlebar has a nice slick look to it. For some reason in the messages application you can still see the top of the Seinfeld casts heads. Not sure if that is on purpose.
You can download the theme OTA only from Themes4BB at this link
Luciano ES ( View Profile) - Posts: