It has been AGES since RIM has released some free themes on their website. For over a year now they have had no themes compatible with OS 4.2+. Well that has just changed now that RIM has released two new themes for the latest BlackBerry devices. I am not sure exactly what devices the themes are available for but I know they work on the 8310 and 8800 devices. If anybody can confirm other devices in the comments I would appreciate it!
The two themes are available by going to from your BlackBerry. You then click on the “new themes” link in the second section.
I have included the two screenshots on that page for your enjoyment. The descriptions are RIM’s and not mine.
Scribble – The scribble theme contains a suite of hand drawn icons and fonts. Its like having someone sketch on your BlackBerry smartphone. (What I always wanted )
Today Plus – A remake of the classic today theme with the zen icons on bottom.
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