More Details Released About Documents To Go

Documentstogoopenfile222Sorry guys I don’t have the time to summarize this so I will just post what they sent. Don’t hold it against me.  The info is not that shocking but the FAQ’s on the bottom are interesting.

Great news! RIM recently announced an upcoming BlackBerry platform update with performance enhancements including the ability to support native document downloading and editing with the integration of Documents To Go:

To take advantage of this feature, users will need BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) version 4.1.5 or higher, as well as an OS update for their BlackBerry smartphones to version 4.5 or higher.

We have been anxiously awaiting this functionality prior to release of our solution. Stay tuned for more news about these updates and when they will be made available!

We have created a new page on our web site with current screenshots of Documents To Go so you can see our progress:
(link best viewed in your desktop browser)


Will BIS Support be available for Native Attachment Handling?
->RIM has not yet released information in regards to native document support for BIS and other flavors of the BES. Please check back with RIM for more information and future announcements.

What OS will my smartphone require to use Documents To Go?
->Phones will require the OS 4.5 update to use Documents To Go. Please check with your phone/wireless carrier for more information about what OS your device is currently running and availability of future updates.

Will you have a Beta or Preview of Documents To Go available?
->A Documents To Go Beta is not planned at this time although a demo will be available upon release.

What will the price be for Documents To Go for BlackBerry?
->Pricing has not yet been finalized but it is expected to be consistent with similar mobile solutions in the market today.

DataViz will notify you prior to the availability of Documents To Go for BlackBerry. In the meantime, please visit the Documents To Go for BlackBerry product page for updated information from both DataViz and RIM:
(link best viewed in your desktop browser)

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