Empower Pro HTML Email Viewer With WiFi Support Released

Empower[1]I just got an email from Ani, the developer of Empower, that the WiFi capabilities we mentioned before and a couple other features have been added in the new version. I heard quite a few Canadian users were asking for this. The release is currently available for OS 4.2.1 and 4.2 but the OS 4.1 release will be available shortly. Just check out the download site at www.getempower.com/ota or just wait for the autoupdate in Empower Pro to kick in.

If you don’t own Empower you can pick up a copy from the BerryReview store for $29.99. Keep in mind that you can get 20% off using the coupon info at this link. A review of the pro version will be coming out soon.

The detailed list of new features follows below –

  1. WiFi Connections: The most significant feature enhancement in this version is WiFi ! WiFi enabled devices can now download images over Wifi! Web registration and auto-update also will work over Wifi. Also added an option to download images using WiFi only and not use any other connection.
  2. Toggle Name/Email Address: A new menu item to toggle between name and addresses of all the sender/recipients. You can also just press the shortcut key ‘A’ for Qwerty devices.
  3. Auto-expand Attachments under header
  4. Added font smoothing to header fonts as well.
  5. Single Click launch for URLs – For trackball based devices.
  6. New Option: In the original EMV Std, there used to be an Option for link shortening – Full Link Address. This was with-held in the Pro with the assumption that almost everyone preferred the shortened links. However, we are re-introducing this feature as some users asked for it.
  7. New Option: Added an option under Advanced options to set Strict/Lenient URL Parsing. Lenient parsing of urls allows { } etc in the urls which are “technically” disallowed.
  8. In Appointments the default reminder is now set (to 15 minutes). Earlier you had to set the reminder everytime.
  9. Hide the Registration screen if registered.
  10. Images bigger than screen will occupy full width of the screen, and not lesser.
  11. False positives for Smileys removed. Eg email:[email protected] will not show a smiley.
  12. Declares itself as Pro in Empower Options > About :-) 

The information about update has been published and EMV AutoUpdate should tell you about the available update within next 24 hours. However, if you don’t want to wait those 24 hours here is how to upgrade.

How to Upgrade Manually

This version is labeled for OS 4.2.1 and higher. And labeled 3.0.6642.7 for OS 4.2. A release for 4.1 is will soon be made available.

To upgrade just point your BlackBerry browser to getempower.com/ota

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