Ask Someone Why They Love Their BlackBerry?

BlackberryaskmarketingcampaignRIM has started an interesting new marketing campaign called “Ask Someone Why They Love Their BlackBerry.” The idea is that RIM has a few featured owners sharing their love for the BlackBerry. On top of that RIM is asking users to submit their story of why they love their Berrys.

RIM has a whole philosophy as to why people love their BlackBerrys. RIM has divided the love into 4 different categories: Balance, Control, Efficiency, & Freedom. The funny omission is that many people use their BlackBerry as a status symbol or just to play games.

The URL for the campaign is

RIM will ask you to:

“Suppose you run into someone who is thinking about buying a BlackBerry. What would you tell them? Tell us your story about how BlackBerry enhances your life. If it’s interesting or even funny we might select it to appear on our website or in our advertising.”

This is actually pretty official with submission rules and lots of legalize to make sure that they are allowed to reproduce your submission on their website. You can watch a few featured owners describe their love or even read some for owners such as yourself. If you click the “Share Your Story” tab you can submit your own story.

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