BoyGenius is reporting that AT&T is now offering you the ability to just buy a SIM card for $5. He is under the assumption that AT&T is targeting this towards users who already have an unlocked phone they wish to use.
Okay you can color me a sceptic but I don’t see why this is at all in the customers interest. AT&T usually will give you a free phone when you sign up so why not get one and flip it on eBay? I know that is what I do or I keep one around as a backup in case my Berry goes haywire.
The crazy part is that AT&T still forces you to sign a 2 year contract including that Early Termination Fee even though you did not get a subsidized phone. The ironic part is that the subsidy on the phone is the main argument carriers make for why they need to charge an Early Termination Fee when you cancel your contract.
What would really be innovative is if AT&T offered a way to get a SIM without a contract. The current SIM-only options just screws you out of the benefit of a free phone while still being restricted with a contract!
Sorry I had to vent This is just FUBAR. I guess you can always count on the NEW AT&T to think up of such an offering. They don’t give you any subsidy and they still have you by the balls with an ETF.
Ronen Halevy ( View Profile) - Posts: