Cure Insomnia! No More BlackBerry Typing In Bed!

CrashedoutdogJust read a great article on about research done by the Edinburgh Sleep Centre. Turns out that one of the tricks to get a good night sleep it to keep away from your gadgets at least an hour before you hit the sack.

My answer to that is “Long Live Insomnia!” (just kidding) I can’t remember the last weekday where I didn’t cuddle up with my BlackBerry. I guess this solution is for the only slightly addicted BlackBerry user.

This has to be my favorite quote in the article:

“Checking your work emails before bed on any electronic device is essentially the equivalent to drinking a double espresso last thing at night,” said Dr Chris Idzikowski, of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre.

I guess I will have to keep on working with my old solution for insomnia. Work till you drop and hope you hit a pillow

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