FAQ: BlackBerry 8300 Series Camera Keyboard Shortcuts

8300camerapicPaul just asked me for a list of the keyboard shortcuts for the BlackBerry 8300/8310/8320 Series. I thought I would share the list I have compiled for him with you. I find the shortcuts useful but I really wish there were more…

Before you take a picture:

  • Enter = take a picture
  • Space = toggle through flash settings (on/automatic/off)
  • Volume Up/Down = zoom in and out respectively
  • SYM key (to the right of spacebar) = Fullscreen toggle

After you take a picture:

  • Delete button = Delete the image

Thats it! I really wish RIM had added a few more shortcuts such as changing the megapixels and quality of the image. This would be useful to change between quality pictures you wish to save to the SD card and ones you wish to just email quickly. Also I wish they offered some more options once you took the picture such as rotating or zooming in and out or comparing it to the last taken picture. So far I have also not found a way to downgrade the quality of the image if you want to email it out as a smaller file. Hopefully RIM will read this post and beef up the camera.

Can anybody confirm if there are any improvements in OS 4.3 on the 8130?

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  1. The shortcut I miss sorely is one to adjust the “white balance”. The quality of the pictures is totally dependent on that setting, which is not easily accessible. Whenever I leave one place and go to another with different lighting conditions, I have to change that option and it is a major annoyance.

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