FCC Spills Some Info On The BlackBerry 8120

8120onairtelPhoneScoop has just discovered some FCC goodness in a filing by RIM. This is that same 8120 WiFi-Berry you have heard about earlier. It seems that the upcoming 8120 will have UMA but as we mentioned earlier no GPS. The thing that always irks me about these new WiFi devices is why they sometimes come to carriers that do not have UMA services. For example the WiFi on my AT&T BlackBerry 8820 is almost completely useless other than as a battery drain. Hopefully the new 8120 will be coming to T-mobile so it can show off the benefits of UMA. I really wish AT&T would get with the program and start offering UMA service.

All the rest of the goodness is in there with a 3.5 mm standard headphone jack, stereo bluetooth, and side loading MicroSD slot. Check out the FCC filings here at this link or the summary at PhoneScoop.

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