OtterBox Taking Pre-Orders For The BlackBerry Pearl & Curve

otterboxtop_curve_01.jpgThe well received OtterBox that we reviewed for the BlackBerry 8800 is now coming to the BlackBerry Curve/8300 and Pearl/8100. The OtterBox 1934 for BlackBerry Pearl if ordered now will be shipped immediately and the OtterBox 1935 for the BlackBerry Curve if ordered now will be shipped on or before 31st October. They are both available in either all black or black and yellow. (In my opinion the black and
yellow looks a lot more eye-catching than the plain black). Prices are $49.95ea for both the 1934 and 1935. Check out the links below to see the products:

OtterBox for the BlackBerry Pearl

OtterBox for the BlackBerry Curve

otterboxtop_pearl_02.jpgI have previously owned a couple of their products for PDA’s and their attention to detail in manufacture is outstanding. If you live, work or play in a dusty or wet environment and use a BlackBerry then one of these cases is an absolute must.

I can’t wait to get my hands on a couple of these so I can start putting them through their paces in a rigorous testing environment. ( See attached photo of vehicle I will be pitting the OtterBox’s against).

I will post a review after we have fully tested (and abused) the above listed items.

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  1. Thanks for posting about our new cases. We are glad to hear that you like them. Be sure to let us know your feedback on the new Pearl and Curve cases!

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