Immature Application Of The Year Award – Cippi The Farting Chipmunk

cippifartingchipmunk.JPGTaking into consideration that developers create software because there is a market for it. I find it hard to understand what compelled the developer of Cippi The Farting Chipmunk to create this free piece of software. It essentially is the cellphone equivalent of a farting machine. It even has 9 different farting options and a timer so that you can inconvenience you fellow workers, friends, and significant others. One of the reviewers even recommends using Cippi on the unsuspecting public transportation riders and wait for a reaction. For those of you with better taste just ignore this post but if you could use a good laugh today follow the links below to get a taste of this awfully smelly application.

Cippi – The Farting Chipmunk
OTA: Open with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 21435

Download to PC:

JAD file (cippi_bbex2_ENG.jad)
JAR file (cippi_bbex2_ENG.jar)

1 comment on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Check out the latest mobile campaign developed by Golden Gekko (the company that developed Cippi) for BBH and Lynx on or on your mobile!

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