Deja Vu – RIM BIS Outage Strikes Again

deja_vu.gifSince I am on a BES I usually do not notice the BIS outages but users have been emailing me for the last hour non stop. It seems like deja vu but RIM has experienced another BIS outage. I really wish RIM would provide us a little more transparency on what the issue is and when they hope to fix it. The best description I have found so far is by N8DBB4 on

Yet again it has happened.

Some may notice that emails are coming in very late or not at all.

It’s confirmed this is an issue that currently all of the carriers are reporting.

It is a RIM issue, not a carrier issue.

Logging into your BIS and resending service books probably will not work at this time, as many people are reporting if you attempt to log into the BIS, you get stuck in an endless “Processing, please wait” loop.


Carriers effected: ALL
Fix ETA: N/A
Email Accounts Effected: 3rd party emails: Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail/Comcast/etc
Email Accounts NOT Effected:
Addtional Services Effected: POSSIBLY Data browsing, BlackBerry Messenger, 3rd party apps that rely on data.

***Also reports of EDGE and GPRS coverage dropping down to edge and gprs, which may or may not be included in this issue.

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