Andrew Hough at Reuters wrote an interesting article on new warning signs being put up in South Wales. These graphic signs warn drivers to not to trust their GPS devices when it comes to navigation. This is the first time I have ever heard of such a thing and thought it would interest all of our readers who use their BlackBerry as a GPS Navigator. Personally I have always found GPS routes to usually be better than most maps yet I have never seen a warning not to trust a AAA map. I guess there have been quite a few complaints of cars and trucks heading down roads that are not suitable for them and getting stuck, causing traffic issues. Most standalone GPS units have an option to select the size of your car so that it can program suitable routes but I have not seen this feature in any of the free GPS programs for BlackBerry devices.
British Drivers Warned Not To Trust GPS Navigation Devices
by Ronen Halevy on September 4th, 2007 ·
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