Free Game By Jonathan Fisher – Forever Power Up AKA FreudianMissiles

foreverpowerup.jpegJonathan Fisher has released a free game for BlackBerry 8700, 8800 called Forever Power Up AKA FreudianMissles. It is a game that he used to sell commercially but has now decided to give away for free. I have only found an OTA download page here so there is no love for Desktop Manager installations. The keys to control are up/down – trackwheel/trackball, left/right – z and x, shield – click, bomb – space. He claims the game will also work on the Curve but flickers a lot since he has not implemented doublebuffering. Personally I installed the game on my 8800 and also had flickering problems during the game but it was still playable. It is a shame that he has not used the left and right trackball functionality in the game but the game is free so you cant complain to much. Tell us what your high score is, I personally got a 910 on my max. The OTA download is here.

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