I know that I have personally lost a BlackBerry in the back of a NYC taxi cab which is why I am mentioning this article. The NYpress.com ran an article detailing Gale Brewers investigation into how lost items are returned if you lose them in a cab in New York City. She had lost her keys, BlackBerry, and camera in the back of a few NYC taxi cabs and was looking into the process of how people can get these items back. She actually found the process to be terrible and time consuming with very little results in the end. Getting a hold of somebody that can help required going though automated phone systems and long wait times with the New York Taxi Commission. She found out that people have to wait for drivers to return lost items directly to one of the 8 city police precincts which does not always happen. On top of that you will need to have kept your receipt and then call each of the 8 city precincts separately to have them search the storage rooms. Check out the full article here at the NYpress.com.
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