BlackBerry Web Shortcuts Version 2.1
Version: 2.1 Release
OTA Link:
Desktop Link:
Cost: FREE!
Well Jonathan Fisher has been quite busy this past weekend. Due to increased interest in his BlackBerry Web Shortcuts application he has released a new version which brings a standard BlackBerry configuration screen to the software. As you can see from the review we ran on Friday the application still requires a download of the main application and each shortcut but the configuration has been vastly improved. If you are already using version 1Â then your configuration settings will be transfered but you must uninstall the old applications after you install this new one. Thanks again Jonathan we will be keeping a close eye on any new developments.
rofovnifo Not Registered
Posted: July 4, 2007 at 8:15 PM EST
Looks good! Very useful, good stuff. Good resources here. Thanks much!
Carmen Not Registered
Posted: September 21, 2007 at 5:15 AM EST
Looks so good! I like this application. First, I’m a spanish girl. I’ve a bb and I download this application, but I’ve a problem. I hope you can help me, please. I’ve seen in this page that you can put a different tittle for the page, for example instance shortcut1, put google.Can you explain me how?In this version I think there isn’t posibility.
Thanks a lot for your colaboration
P.D. Sorry for my english, it isn’t so good, but I’m learning at this time.