Second BlackBerry PlayBook Developer Webcast Announced – Nov 11th

Developers-drafting The second BlackBerry PlayBook developer webcast of the five week series has been announced by RIM. It will be titled “My First App for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet” and will cover how to install and use the new SDK and create an application with it. They are going to work with Adobe Flash Builder and Adobe Flash Pro to create an application for the PlayBook. They will be also showing how to debug using Flash Builder and the simulator.


  • using Flash Builder and Flash Professional to create applications targeting the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet
  • use the Adobe AIR SDK and BlackBerry Tablet OS SDK to create applications for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet
  • Test and Debug your application using Flash Builder and the BlackBerry Tablet Simulator
  • Live Q&A with experts from Research In Motion Limited and Adobe

Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010
Time: 2:00 PM EST / 11:00 AM PST


  • Prosanta Bhattacherjee, Application Development Consultant, Research In Motion Limited
  • Renaun Erickson, Adobe Developer Evangelist, Adobe Systems Incorporated

You can sign up for the Webcast at this link

RIM also made mention again of their BlackBerry PlayBook giveaway for early developers saying:

Please remember that the plan is to provide one free BlackBerry PlayBook tablet to every registered vendor with a BlackBerry® App World™-approved AIR application that is available for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet prior to launch. The applications will need to meet the BlackBerry App World Vendor Guidelines, and there will of course be some terms and conditions that are principally designed to prevent abuse of the promotion, but the intent is to reward developers who are working on apps in advance of the product launch. We want to help our developer community participate in this amazing opportunity, and thus we are hosting this webcast to help everyone get started — or, for those who have already begun to develop for the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet, to discover the benefits of the new SDK.

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