Pandora Gets Slight Update to v1.1.4

pandora1After quite a few v1.1.3.x releases Nikolaus let us know that Pandora has finally made the jump to version 1.1.4. We have no idea what was updated in this version but I use Pandora every day so I should be able to figure out over time. Let me know if you spot anything. I thought at first that it would add BlackBerry Torch support officially but it still shows it as unsupported though it does work. 🙂

You can pick up the update at and let us know if you snag the official change log.

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  1. Homescreen icon has changed back to white how it once was.

  2. It added support to the blackberry torch thanks Pandra its about time I haven’t had Pandra since the 12th

  3. The main change for 1.1.4 was support for the Torch 980.. I posted the full release notes for 1.1.4 here:

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