Javelin Shows Up On eBay $4,000+ – More Screencandy

Seems like the Javelin has completed the trifecta of new BlackBerrys showing up on eBay. After the Bold and then the 8220 all we are waiting for is the Thunder/Storm. 🙂 I can’t imagine what ridiculous price this will go for. Bidding is already over $4,000!!! Unfreakingbelievable!!!

Check out the eBay listing at:

javelin1 javelin2 javelin3

javelin4 javelin5

I think these are via CrackBerry & BBNews

Thanks to DavidB & Bla1ze for sending these in.

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Come on…

    Yes it’s an awesome device and I can’t wait until it comes out. But
    1. It’s branded as Vodaphone and from what I hear, RIM locks the PINs on ‘testing’ devices.
    2. If this is the FINAL version, why hasn’t it been announced at the CTIA Conference in San Francisco?
    3. Read what the seller says in the listing, there are way too many phishy things going on there.
    4. Look at the people who have bid on it! Its the same people, one guy even went from $3K to $4K then he only added like $50.00 to it after that! Come on, seriously, can we say bot…

    OH, and BTW, I saw this up on eBay yesterday and it was at like $2025 with 6 bids, then jumped to like $4050 with 11 bids, then about 15 minutes later, it was back down to $2025 with 6 bids…

    Honestly, seriously! I don’t care how anxious or frugle I am with my money, especially when it comes to a new Blackberry, but to pay $4K+ for a phone, I NEED the job that the winner has cause they’re OBVIOUSLY making way too much money and don’t know what to do with the money!

  2. I agree with Bryan, this something to stay away from!

    Looks like a great Berry though. Can’t wait for it to come to my local T-Mo store.

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