Review: bbChecklist – Simple Checklist – Now Out Of Beta

Bbchecklist-owner-4Review: bbChecklist
[rating:9] 9/10
$14.99 currently

[Jorge’s first review on BerryReview!]

Summer did a minipreview of this application during the beta. I found this application on PinStack and I am so pleased, I’ve been searching for an application like this for years, especially to incorporate some of list for Gtd and I’m happy to report that this application so far has met all my expectations. Folks, this is as plain vanilla as they come but simplicity is the key concept here, mind you this application just got out of beta but its pretty darn good as it is right now, I read the developer will continue to add simple updates but wants to keep this as simple as possible, so those of you wanting some serious listing capabilities ala project management will be disappointed but those of you who want something efficient, simple, and pretty looking will be very happy with this tiny jewel.


For this application has a two functions, 1. it will handle some of Gtd List and 2. it will store some basic Lists, like for example “Movies to Watch” or “Groceries”

Here is the list view, very nice with clean lines and nice icons


Here is another shot of this application once I click into this list


Notice how you can add divider, you click the menu key and it says “new divider” then position it where you want, I like this feature because it gives some kind of category management within a list like you can see above. Also notice the note icon next to my entry “juice” once you click there it shows you the inside of the task or item or events or todo or whatever you want to call them.


Pretty basic and pretty darn cool I think, I particularly impressed with ,B. Pursley, the developer of this application as well “Add to Calendar” also an amazing application (I’ll be writing another review for latter sometime soon) So far this application is all the B. Pursley intended it to be a simple checklist for the blackberry and let me tell you this application is going to fill a HUGE void that fellow blackberries are wanting and didn’t have until now, I give this application two enthusiastic thumbs up.

Review originally posted on BlackBerryGTD

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