Where to Find Themes for Your BlackBerry

UPDATED: Version 2 of “Where To Find Themes For Your BlackBerry” is now available at this link

I can’t count how many times I have been asked for where to go to find BlackBerry Themes. I will do my best here to outline the major ones that I am aware of. If you have any to add feel free to comment on this post and I will make sure they are added to the list. Some of the theme websites have an odd concept called required donations and I will try to mention that below. Enjoy!

www.themes4bb.com (Over 250 Free Themes!)
www.blackberryforums.com/media-center/87493-8800-theme-cbt.html (One of my favorites)

Both Free & Paid:
www.eveek.com (Must register for free downloads)
www.mobile41.com/Themes.htm (Donation required for some themes)
www.blackberrythemecentral.com (Donation required)
www.mrdugan.com/bbthemes/ (7100 & 7200 themes only)


2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. hey….

    all my themes are free…. i would love to charge for them… but i don’t have the energy to do tech support..

    so i release them for free.

    i recently bought an 8830… so the theme dev. for that platform is in the works.


  2. if you like my themes… click and support


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